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Tera Zon

House of knowledge
Information & Operation Technologies

Home: Welcome

Don’t engage the evolving technologies alone. We can support the endless pursuit of success with the help of experts. From assessments and reviews to full solutions, safeguard of growing business requirements.

Enhance production and labs

Operational  Technologies

Operational Technologies (OT) is not like IT. The goals, priorities, and a set of skills are different, sometimes in a fine line. We understand the OT landscape and invest in our skills to provide the best solutions in this industry. The combined knowledge of IT OT and pharmaceutical compliance is our enabler for the Pharma and Medical Device industry.

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Time for high quality IT

Information  Technologies

Technology needs to support the business by helping overcome challenges and achieve strategic goals. A range of services optimizing IT solutions and knowledge, for small and medium-sized business. Hands-on professionals with budgets know how delivers tasks and projects on time.


Review the business

IT / OT Consultancy  & Audit

Consulting and Auditing activity designed to add value and improve an organizations' operation, by bringing an approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness, control and governance processes.
Tera Zon broad understanding of operational necessities and risks can help to bring value to the organization.

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